update 10/26/2022


Grays Harbor County Code (GHCC) Chapter 16.20 governing long subdivisions applies to the division of land into five  (5) or more lots, any of which is less than five acres.  To be exempt from this Title the subdivision must be consistent with GHCC 16.08.040 - Exemptions


  1. Site Plan Review Application - will instruct the applicant with next step(s) in the process.
  2. Long Subdivision Application - Planning staff will review your application and submittal documents for completeness and compliance with GHC subdivision, zoning, and environmental regulations. If the proposal is consistent with local regulations, a public hearing with the Planning Commission (PC) will be set.
  3. Planning Commission Public Hearing - The PC will consider the preliminary subdivision and submit written recommendations and findings to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) together with all pertinent information available at that time.
  4. Board of County Commissioners Public Meeting #1 - consideration of the preliminary subdivision and recommendation(s) of the Planning Commission.  Set second meeting date for the approval or disapproval of the proposal.
  5. Board of County Commissioners Public Meeting #2 -  Decision rendered by the BOCC.
  6. Preliminary Approval - applicant will get notice of the Board's action within 30 days of the decision, and if approved, said notice will specify the imposed conditions to be met.  Applicant may begin working through imposed conditions.
  7. Final Plat - staff will check final plat for compliance with the imposed conditions of the preliminary approval and other applicable regulations and present to the BOCC for final approval. 
  8. Recording - upon final approval by the BOCC, the final plat and supporting documents are filed with the County Auditor.

Apply Online

Subdivision applications will not be accepted prior to completing Site Plan Review. Timely processing of an application requires the submission of an accurate description of the subdivision. Acceptance of a complete application by staff will not be issued until all required information and plans are received and reviewed for completeness.



Please contact a Planner at 360-249-4222 or by email at pbd@graysharbor.us.

Grays Harbor County
Planning Division
