Search Hints

Parcel Number Search

Enter a complete parcel number to locate a specific parcel record or a partial parcel number to select a range of parcels. Partial parcel numbers are left most significant digits: for example a partial parcel number of '07' will yield most if not all of the parcels within the Montesano City limits, and likewise a partial number of '0703012' will produce a list of parcels in and around the 500 block of West Simpson in the City of Montesano. See examples below.

Address Search

Enter any combination of house number, street direction and or street name to select a range of parcels. The street name has the additional feature of being able to contain 'wildcard characters'; in this case, the percent ('%') symbol. By utilizing a wildcard character, you may now search for unknown information or select a broader range of records. See examples below.

Legal Description

Enter the appropriate key words and phrases to locate the desired parcel or parcels. Remember to separate the keywords and phrases with wildcard characters ('%'). The legal description can be very useful for narrowing your search down to a specific area or plat. See examples below.

Use Creative Searches

Don't be afraid to combine any and all of the search fields. By entering information into, say the parcel and street fields, you can affectively narrow your search down to a street name within a given city/area.See examples below.


Parcel Number Search Examples:


More Specific, Fewer records select.

070300100999 Will display the detailed information of parcel '070300100999'.
070300100 Will select all parcels that begin with the digits '070300100'.
070300 Will select all parcels that begin with the digits '070300'.
07 Will select all parcels that begin with the digits '07'.

Less Specific, More records selected.

Situs Address Search Examples:

Case SHOULD not matter 


House# Dir. Street Name Results
123     All Parcels with 123for a house number.
  N   All parcels in the county listed with the directional designation of 'North'. ie. North 1st. Street.
    Way All parcels in the county, listed on streets or avenues containing the name 'way'. ie. 'broadway', 'one way lane', 'John Wayne Rd.' etc
123   Simpson Only parcels with a house number of '123' and being on a street name 'Simpson' regardless of city or area.
    pt%ave Wildcard: Match street names based on wildcard character placement. Resulting selection will contain parcels that contain the characters 'PT' followed somewhere by the characters 'AVE', regardless of what comes before or after the 'PT' and the 'AVE' characters. The resulting selection here would contain the following streets: 'Pt Brown Ave' and 'Pt of no return Avenue', 'North pt Ave', etc.
    Gr%pa%L%e Selects Parcels on Streets Named :Granpa Lane, Grand Pass Lake, etc.
123   gr%pa%L%e Selects only Parcels on Streets named: Granpa Lane, Grand Pass Lake with a house number of '123'.


Legal Description Search Examples:

Again, case SHOULD not matter.

Cooper Will display all parcels with a legal description containing the word 'cooper'.
lot 22%cooper Will display all parcels with a legal description containing the words 'lot 22' and 'cooper'. (in that order).
lot 22%cooper point addition%hill Will display all parcels with a legal description containing the words 'lot 22' and 'cooper point addition' and 'hill', in that order.

Combine Search Field Search Examples:

Still, case SHOULD not matter.

Parcel No 07
Street Name Simpson
RESULTS All parcels with parcel numbers beginning with '07' and have a street name containing the word 'simpson'.

Parcel No 07
House Number 123
Street Name Simpson
RESULTS All parcels with parcel numbers beginning with '07' having a house number of '123' and a street name that contains the word 'simpson'.